
Friday, July 5, 2013

Branch change at iit guwahati !!

Before reading this please go through the basic requirements given on this link- 

Now firstly i will explain some common related queries to branch change (bc) .

1. CPI- For branch change your cpi at the end of first year should be around 8.7. Now here`s a catch. This 8.7 is a general cpi....that is according to general trend. Sometimes a branch can outshine so much that even 8.9 appears less to get branch changed. Like in 2012-2013, civil department was just rocking in acads!! If one need to get his branch change in civil that time, he should be 9+. However, each year trend changes. Who knows this time it can be chemical!!
  Now to get 8.7 there are two ways - get around 8.3-8.4 in first semester and 9.2-9.3 in second or get 8.8 around in both sems. I guess second sem is much easier because we get settled by that time and are aware of our mistakes made in first sem!!

2. No. of students applying for branch change-

Almost all the students apply for it!! Be it a 6 pointer or 9 pointer...hope to hote hai na!! But the stats are that only 50-60 out of 660 get their branch changed.
Try to look on this link-

3. No of students getting their branch changed-

Now here is also a catch. In the rules, it is written that strength of branch must not change by ore than 10%. Now lets take a real example-
The strength of chemical engg as given in JEE brochure is 70. However only 68 registered as 2 were unable to come. Now this is a major loss to branch changers; as only 68 came ,so max 6 can change the branch instead of 7. But say at the time of branch change, 6 student exited from the branch but one student from some other branch,for ex CST, came to chemical, then one more student can exit from chemical . I hope you are able to understand this!!

So basic stats look like 4 students change from CST, 6-7 from chemical, 4 from BT, many from mech because in mech both incoming and outgoing are volatile!!, rarely from M&C as its a nice branch,some from EP, many from EE to EC and EE and EC to CSE, and some from design to any branch.

4. How can i change my branch??-

By studying, of course. But not studying every time..NO. IIT life has more in it than just a pile of books.  A systematic approach towards studies can easily get your branch changed. However, keep in mind that bc is not a piece of cake but a take bush which is sour to eat but healthy.
 Now the prob is that you will realize this systematic way at the end of first year...very late. However i can help you to realize it as i am a branch changer myself!!


  1. 1)what systematic approach must one follow in order to be able to change their branch after first year?
    2)does the 10% mean 10% of the entire class or only the category to which u belong?
    also does "DD" refer to B.Des?
    3)i know it's a long shot but can someone change from lets say biotech to c.s. if he/she is able to score 9+ cgpa or even a 10?

    1. 1. Answer to question 1 is pretty big, so either you please fill the contact form so i will mail it to you or just wait for 2-3 weeks. thanks.

      2.Don't know which category you are talking about but yes 10% here means 10% of entire branch strength. And yes, DD refers to department of design or B.Des.

      3.Of course you can change your branch from BT to CSE. IT is 100% possible. You know what, this year someone changed his branch from design to CSE!! And yes for that you need 9.5+. And if you get absolute 10, then nobody stands between you and CSE.

      Hope i am able to answer your doubts.

    2. Thanks. That was really helpful!

    3. Are there no restrictions to change branch to cse if I get 10 CPI ? How much will i need to study ?

    4. Yes, no restrictions. But i guess you also need to clear NSS and PT courses also.

    5. sir can you mail me the systematic approach one must follow in order to change their branch after first year.

      MY EAMIL:

  2. What kind of CGPA would I require to change from EP to Mech ? And I wanted to know more about the course EP ?

    1. A cpi of around 8.7-8.9 would be more than enough to change branch from EP to Mech.
      About EP - I think enough info is given under EP section of "Info on departments" section of this blog (

      However if you want more info, then do type in the comments. and please be specific regarding which topic you want info.

      Hope your query is answered.

  3. how much cpi would one require to shift from bt to mechanical?

    1. A cpi of around 8.8 would be enough for you to branch change to Mech.

      Hope your query is answered!!

    2. Thanks a lot...I thought I might require 9.5+..and what about electrical? Sorry for bugging u.

    3. Fot EEE you require around 9 to 9.1. However for ECE you require around 9.2-9.3.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  4. How much cpi is require to change from bt to civil

    1. Around 8.3 to 8.4 because the lady change that took from bt was around 8.08 the previous year. But just try to stay in top 4. Rest everything will happen on its own!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

  5. I study till last year in hindi medium and now in BIOTECH. I want to change my branch to civil. I faces some problem to understand english mostly to speak. Plz give me ur advise .

    1. Are you able to read English. If yes then you will not face much problem to understand lectures. But if no, then I must say its a problem and you must talk about this to your course coordinator or prof!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

    2. If you can study from slides and can understand them properly, then not much problem should be there.
      Regarding speech speed of professor, do talk to professor about it and he will surely help you as they are very friendly in such matters.

      Hope your query is answered!!

    3. i want to know about job placements of biotech branch,actually i do not want to study further & i want to get a job after completing the B.Tech course,thats why

  6. I would like to know more about the systematic approach you talked about towards studies. Please suggest how I should divide my time between courses. Please reply as soon as possible. I wholeheartedly appreciate your effort to help us freshers out. I found your blog really useful. Thank you.

    1. I have already uploaded the tips in one of my post -

      Note: Just follow the tutorials. Make sure to complete your tutorial before going for the tutorial class. Make sure you contain all solutions of each and every tutorial , especially for maths, chemistry and ee101.

      Hope this was helpful!!

  7. hello
    i am currently a student of design and wants to change my batch to cse
    can u tell me how much cpi is needed and so i need to study a lot for this

    1. As already discussed, you will need a cpi of at least 9.5+ to get your branch changed to CSE.

  8. my quiz gone very bad after all can i get 9+ cpi which is require for branch change to cse. please soon give yuor comment.

    1. No prob...just concentrate on mid sem.Nothing is lost til now!! Just concentrate and work harder :)

  9. How can I get Answer key of all the questions of Poole and Hayt?

    1. Check on dc++. Hayt solutions are available there. For poole...check on dc or google it. They are readily available

  10. how are the marks of midsem and endsem normallized, like for the cpi it is considered among 650 students or just the branch people??

    1. every subject is having a particular weightage for midem marks, which must have been told you by your prof.
      CPI is calculated by considering marks of all the 650 students. In some subjects, one with highest marks and + or - 5 to 10 of it are given 10, then 9 to the - 5 or 10 , on. But in some subjects, absolute marking is there. That is, irrespective of how many marks the topper gets, prof decides a certain benchmark of marks above which he will award 10 and so on.........
      Hope your query is answered.

  11. do i need to worry about the topper of my batch for the subject or the topper of the subject as a whole for the spi??

    1. not worry about anyone, just think about yourself. But still try to be in top 10% of your branch.
      CPI is calculated by considering marks of all the 650 students. In some subjects, one with highest marks and + or - 5 to 10 of it are given 10, then 9 to the - 5 or 10 , on. But in some subjects, absolute marking is there. That is, irrespective of how many marks the topper gets, prof decides a certain benchmark of marks above which he will award 10 and so on.........

  12. what cpi do I need to change my branch from cst to cl or design,can I get benefit of my category if I m a pd candidate

    1. Now this depends on your branch performance. Like previously, someone getting 8.5+ in cst could not get his branch changed because of not being in top 10% pf his branch. But at the same time a student got his branch changed from BT to Mech with a cpi of 8.06!!! This is because competition in bt was lower as compared to cst.
      But still try to maintain at least 8.5+

  13. bhaiya,
    my end sem went very bad and i m expecting a cpi of around 8- 8.2 though there may be differences in the actual as i have not recieved my gradecard....plz can u tell me hw much cpi is needed to change to m&c and also is second sem easier then 1st.i m a student of bt

    1. 8 or 8.2 isn't that bad. But yes if you want to change to M&C, then you need a cpi of 9+. So maybe you can try for 9.5+ this sem....which is not at all impossible as this sem is totally conceptual (except 50% )....

      Hope your query is answered!!

  14. Someone posted here that he has scored a cpi of 7.5 and wants to change branch from CST to ECE. However he seemed to have deleted his comment.
    Look, now its not possible to change from CST to ECE...sorry about that. Even if you get a 10 in this sem, you will only reach somewhere near 8.8-8.9. But then you can give a shot to change in mechanical or probably civil or chemical if you want to. But do try harder this time. CPI is not only for branch change, but it will remain with you always, so its worth trying!!!

  15. How much CPI do you think will be needed for this year's batch to get branch changed from EP to CSE?
    Also I have heard from some seniors that 2nd sem is harder than the first, is that right?

    1. I think you need a 9.2+ CPI to change to EC from EP.
      Regarding this sem: as i have already said, this sem is totally conceptual (except half of biology ). But the concepts are completely new!! So once you get those concepts right, i bet you can rock this sem!!

    2. Also in case if you haven't seen this, please have a look -

    3. 9.2+ for EC to EP????
      what about EP to CSE??

  16. there are 46 students in EP this year, how many will get their branch changed??

    1. Only 4 .....unless someone doesn't change his branch TO EP...

  17. do you know what are the top four SPIs in EP and overall this sem?

  18. what cpi will i require for ece to cse?

  19. is the branch change based on absolute cpi or relative cpi of a students of a particular branch

    1. Hello!!
      You sound like a fresher to me. You see, CPI is ALWAYS relative. Its never absolute :)

      Hope your query is solved.

  20. wat cpi is required to change to mathematics and computing??

    1. Hi You need a CPI of around 9+ to change to mathematics and computing irrespective of any branch you belong to.
      For more info, look at the discussion in the above comments.

  21. can we change from any branch to cs if we get the required cpi? because i have heard that in iit madras it is not iit madras one cannot change his branch to EP......and last there dudal degree program at iitg.......if yes.....then can one change from dual degree to single degree after getting a very good cpi?

    1. also one cannot change from design to any branch even after gettin 10 pointer in iit madras

    2. Yes you can change branch from one to another branch if you get the required cpi AND you are in top 10% of branch.
      Yes you can change branch from Design to CSE. In fact, this year, students have changed branch from CSE to Design and Design to CSE both.

  22. Hello bhaiya,
    How much cpi is reqd to change from biotech to mech,ece,eee?
    where is the contact form?
    how is the competition for bc in biotech?
    Should i bring all my arihant books etc to the hostel to help me out?

    1. For all, you need a CPI of around 8.7-8.1. Competition may vary according to effort given by your branch mates. And NO NEED TO BRING ANY BOOKS.

  23. what's the cpi required for bc from m&c to cse?

  24. which branch is better: chemical,eng. phy.,civil?? from which of these branches is "bc" to "cse" is easier??

    1. All branches are equal. One cannot discriminate which one is better. I would rather say, that even CSE is equivalent to Biotech.
      You need to work hard, irrespective of any branch you belong.

  25. What cpi is needed to change from civil to ece?
    Is it going to be tough and harder than the 2 year coaching life ??

    1. CPI of 9.1+ would be required. And lol no, its not going to be that tough...but just that you need to be regular.

  26. is branch upgrade to cs from civil iseasier than any other branch...?
    DO it requires algebraic mathematics.....?
    PLease give ur opinion fast(I HAVE to opt seat before 14 july 2014)
    Also give ur opinion wheather i should go for bits goa cs or wait for branch upgrade in iitg from civil to cs/electrial..

    1. is branch upgrade is really an easy task..?
      or i would better go to bits goa.?

    2. Branch change from 1 branch to another cannot be compared. It depends on relative performance of students in a branch. And i don't know what kind of mathematics you are taking about !!!
      BITS goa CS or IITG Civil - It solely depends on your interest.

    3. How much regular study is needed..?
      And should I do the whole syllabus before any specified time(for eg. before december) so i could easily upgradee it...
      One more thing is that wheather if i get a good college(eg. Trichy(NIT)) next year, could i take TC from IITG.

    4. You will know all this once your course starts. You have cleared JEE, at least have this much of confidence. And, as far as i know, you can take TC but won't be able to give JEE next year, once you have enrolled in an IIT (As you might be knowing, vice versa is not true)

  27. Could i get a branch upgrade from civil engg . to electrial..?
    I am not very good in maths but i have a keen intrest in EEE?
    Please advise me on the difficulties i have to face..(Is It going to be tough for me..)?

    1. You can get branch change from civil to EEE. Of course you need to work hard, relatively more in subjects in which you face more difficulty. But if you follow the lectures and text books punctiliously, everything will go fine.

  28. How much cpi is required to change branch from mnc to cse? Also tell me difference between mnc and cse?

    1. 9.4+. Mathematics is more towards finance and CS is towards computer architecture.

  29. how much cpi is required to change from ece to cse?

  30. We are allowed only 7 books from the library... Could you recommend wch books ll v b needing most in the first sem?

  31. is reservation (quota) system is applicable in branch change procedure..,. please clarify..

  32. how many choices may a student enlist for branch change in IIT Guwahati...

  33. I am fresher without any knowledge .and I want to change my branch what should I do..which books should I score 9+ .... Came here by luck

  34. cpi for chemical engg to mechanical??????????????

  35. is there in CPI relaxation to branch change of sc st candidate..

  36. is branch change to say a specific branch "x" from design relatively difficult than to the same branch "x" from some other branch..please reply soon.

    1. No...its actually reverse of it. Its quite easy to change the branch from Design. But please keep in mind that Design is a very good branch. So even if you do not get your branch changed, then please do not be demoitvated. And while choosing your branch, please keep this in mind.

  37. hello bhaiyya,
    i have chances to get in design or biotech in iit guwahati this year...(counselling is yet to begin).but these branches have never been my fields of interest..especially biotech.i dunno what to do..people say its too hard to have a branch it advisable to take a chance by opting for any of these and planning on a branch change? or do i step down and join some local college of my preferable branch?

    1. and if there's a fair should i work for it?..b'cuz branch change is a must for me..i maybe fine..not totally but a lil with design..but afraid i wouldn't be able to continue on has never been my cup of tea....i have just a few days left for my options filling and i'm soo totally frustrated..please help asap!!

    2. Hey man!! First cool your mind - RELAX and THINK. I know what you must be feeling right now because I have been through same situation and I know how tough it is to either go for an easy option (join a local college as you are saying) OR take chances and give fight (branch change!!!).


      About branch change: Don't listen to people who tell oyu that branch change is difficult. They are bunch of, PARDON MY WORDS, bloody loosers who open their notebooks just before the day of exams. And yes its difficult...but ask yourself if cracking one of the most difficult exam of the world, that is IIT JEE, was easy? Its difficult...but NOT IMPOSSIBLE.

      About what if you do not get your branchc changed: Biotech is not about bio. There is a whole set of computer science, mechanical, chemical and even electronics included in the filed of biotech. However, all of it is not taught in undergrads curriculum. Also, do you know that each year, almost 2-3 very good students of CSE do their B.Tech final year project in Biotech!! This is purely out of interest. And about design - well dude you are underestimating design. It's one of THE most popular and in-demand branches all over the world. Design is and never was about drawing cartoons or painitngs...its way ahead than even you can think of. Just google "UX/UI design" and you will get what design actually is.

  38. bhaiya, my rank this year is 1723. do i have any chance of getting MnC in iit guwahati??? and if not then how much cpi is needed to change the branch to MnC or even CSE???

    1. There is a 50% chance that you might. But don't go according to what I say because from the past 2 years, there has been a drastic change in closing ranks of M&C.

      To get a branch change to these - you need 9.2+. (its very much achievable)

  39. what approach should i take or rather how should i study in order to get that much of grade points??
    is it very diffuclt to change branch from mechanical to CSE or MnC??? please reply at the earliest as i m really very confused!!

    1. Please read my other blog posts - I have already posted a lot about this. FYI, here are the links -

      and -

  40. how is civil engineering at IIT madras?? is there any chances of development in civil engineering field as far as job are concerned...and how are the placements there at iit madras in civil engineering??plzzz reply at the earliest....

    1. Hey I am sorry but I just don't know about this. Sorry again.

  41. Do rules of reservation apply for branch change?

  42. Is there going to be objective type paper for midsem and end sem this yr?

  43. i have performed badly in 1st year midsems.....(CPI might be as bad as 6+if evaluated ) much score in the endsem would ensure me to be still in the game (Branch change) ?? And how many hours of study per day would be ideal now ?? please help !! :)

    1. cannot tell if you performed badly or not, forget about the CPI!!! How do you know that other's performed better than you? You must have asked only to your friends, right? Like say 5-8 friends at max. So just chill first. Go to city and have some pizza. After all, its your first impromptu break.
      Now, don't get demotivated by your performance. Grading is relative. So if midsems were hard, then maybe everyone did it bad. And there is no such concept of "this many hrs a day". Just try to be thorough with your syllabus at the end of the week.

  44. 1.) do u get a backlog in SA course in 1st sem due to lack of attendance...and if yes,can u clear it in 2nd sem or do u have to stay for summer term???
    2.) nd does it affect ur chances of branch change??

    1. 1.) Yes you do get a backlog. And do not need to stay for summers to just clear SA course. You can clear it in 3rd sem.

      2.) No it won't. But yes it will end your chances for silver/gold medal.

  45. what cpi is required for branch change from CL to ECE and M&c?

    1. Cpi requirement is same for branch change to EC as well as M&c ?
      And is 8.99 good enough to effect a branch change from CL to EEE or Design if I'm in the top 3-4(branch strength 68) of CL?

  46. What is the cut of CPI for branch change for the year 2015 branch wise

  47. is it sensible to have a branch change from EP to say EEE or ECE. What is the general opinion as to preference of branch in regard to courses offered? (i mean which of these provide the most useful courses when looking at a long run and completely disregarding the fact about their placement)

    1. Depends on what you want to do in the long run? Just clarify this and I will tell you the rest of the story.

  48. suppose two guys want to join CS, one is from design and other from EE do both of them have the same cutoff cpi to get CS?

    1. Firstly, there is no cutoff CPI. I would assume that you mean both have the same CPI, which is quite high. Now in this case, their JEE Advanced rank is compared.

  49. My cpi ends around 8.76, is there any possibility to get my branch changed to EEE?

    1. you are on the margin. All the best!!

  50. 1.How is CPI calculated?
    2.I got AIR 5984 in 2016 Advanced.I see that i can get Bio Technology in IIT Guwahati.But i want Mechanical/CS..How to get it a unaccomplished task?

    1. 1. Well, firstly this knowledge is irrelevant for you at the moment. But still - Say in a semester, you have 2 courses A and B, each of "credits" (which are basically weights) 6 and 8 respectively. Then, if your grades in course A is 9 and B is 10, then you Cumulative GPA or CGPA is (6*9 + 10*8)/(6+8).

      2. Nothing is impossible. Each year, students like you and me change their branch from BT to ME,EC,M&C,CS etc.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Hello there , can a student change his branch to or from design department after first year ? I'm referring to b des here , coz I read somewhere that such a change isn't allowed .

    1. Would really appreciate a reply ... because there is a lot of confusion , so could really use some confirmation from someone who's in IIT Guwahati .

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Vinod. I know the confusion you must be going through right now, as I have been through the same stage 4 yrs back. Now, from the past 4 yrs, I have seen students switching from B.Des to B.Tech in CS, EC, M&C, Mech, EE, BT, etc. I guess then, it has to same this year also.

    4. Thank you so much :)
      I had another query too , considering that for what so ever reason I do not get design , then is the batch strength of courses with cut off less than design enough to perform branch change ? I mean considering the ten percent rule ... also what cgpa would a branch change to design require ?

    5. student of b. Design 2015 batch are eligible for branch change.but from 2016 onwards is being alloted through UCEED not through JEE Advance. Hence student seeking admission in B.Design in 2016 are not eligible for branch change in 2017.

  53. bhaiya i am in mechanical & got cpi 9.26. do i have chances to get m&c.

    1. You might!! I mean it is tough case, but still there are chances. Anyway do not worry. EC for sure!!

  54. I am in ece and cpi is 9.35 can I get m&c

    1. Maybe...probably yes. Dude just wait for the results to be out and be patient.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Bhaiya I have Jee rank 1094, so probably i would get m&c in guwahti, also I have the option of bits pilani cs. Among these what would be better purely from a higher studies in cs perspective.
    INcluding and excluding the possibilty of branch change, which is better?

    1. Finally someone is actually thinking about higher studies while choosing a branch :D Ok,so M&C will give you options to go for higher studies in theoretical and applied maths and finance sectors, and some very common areas like machine learning (which are common to electrical, electronics, CS, and M&C). As for CS, all the options written before will be available, plus some other options pertaining to CS will also be open (though I am bit doubtful about pursuing theoretical maths in higher studies if you take CS).

      Anyway, I would say go for BITS Pilani CS in this case. Choice is yours!!

    2. thanks, help much appreciated :)

  56. also if we factor in job prospects what is better?
    please help.

    1. Well, I guess they both are decent streams and companies will be mostly of software development profile so no prob in jobs whichever option you choose.

  57. Placements wise which will be better design at guwahati or chemical at bhu ? I am also passionate about music . I got rank 4100 please suggest me some branches if you can .

    1. Definitely Design @ IITG. Yup dude, you will get enough opportunities here to get along with clubs such as music, dance, anchorenza, RadioG etc. to explore your interest.

  58. sir, how can one change branch from cst to chemical (cpi required) and is it difficult to get that cpi

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. If I take designing at iit G will I be able to change it to btech?

  62. If I take designing at iit G will I be able to change it to btech?

    1. from this year design will be alloted through uceed so branch can not be changed for students seeking admission in in 2016

  63. bhaiya, i have two queries 1. where does iit upload the list of candidates whose branch is changed.
    2. does iit publish the list of the candidates who applied for change of branch before uploading result if yes where

  64. sir,please reply quickly as i have to fill in the choices

  65. Hello!My little brother has just given jee advanced and is going to join a college.He has a choice between newer IITs(like Hyderabad,Indore and Bhubaneshwar) and Maths and Computing at IIT Guwahati and possibly IIT Delhi.He is more inclined towards the computers field and has interest in mathematics but not comparable to as in computer science.He wants to get a job or continue further studies in the computers field only though he may change if he gets more exposed to maths(perhaps,can't speak exactly for him).Please suggest what should he pick.Are placements at IIT Guwahati in computers field comparable to the CSE department there? Please help as soon as you can.

  66. sir i am getting civil in mock allocation,but i want much cpi is needed to do a branch change from civil to ee(approx)?

  67. do iit guwahati see regervation(st/SC) for change of branch after 1st year???

  68. upto what cpi one can improve by the end of 2nd sem if someone is scoring round 7+ in 1st sem?

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  70. how much CPI did students require 2016-17 year to change from chemical science to mech or any other?

    1. Something greater than 8 subject to condition u remain in top ten percent of your branch

  71. Can we go from civil branch to M&C or CS what are the procedures and CPI required

  72. Yes subject to the condition you remain in top ten percent of your branch and cpi required is from 9.25 and above.which varies every year

  73. What CPI is general required to get EE , MECH or CHEM from CIVIL

  74. how much CPI to change ECE to CSE or MnC ? would it be tough ? would it be worth it ?

  75. Sir how much cpi required to change branch from cse to eee and bt

  76. how much cpi is needed to change branch from EP to mech?

  77. plz tell the tips for the second sem to score the best in each subject. all the reference to be done in prior to the lectures, what to focus on(importantly),how to practice or from where to practice ...thanks in advance


  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. How much cpi is needed in 1st year to change chemistry branch to civil engg

  81. Hello BHaiyya, I got 8.45 cpi in first semester. Do I have a chance of upgrading my branch to cse?

  82. Hello Bhaiyya, do you know how much cpi was required to upgrade into cse in yer 2018?

  83. I read that cgpa allotment works on relative grading. I have 2 questions regarding this-
    (1)Does one compete with with only students from his/her branch?
    (2)If a situation persists where ece students have to compete with cse students wont it make it harder for them to ensure a good cgpa and apply for branch change?

  84. Extremely fabulous blogs these all really helps alot

  85. By how much points required cpi will increase due to online sem

  86. Can I get the last year branch change stats? At what cpi the branch changed to ece eee and mnc respectively?

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    ReplyDelete query is-