
Monday, July 15, 2013

Tips to study for branch change.....AND TO SCORE 9+

Well, personally speaking, you all are IITians so its meaningless to give study tips to the brightest minds on India.
 But then also, many among this "brightest" lot will commit mistakes, however unknowingly, and will end getting a spi or cpi of around 7.5-8 ,which is not enough in this cut throat competition.

Note : That this section is not only for branch changers but also for students who want to get 9+ cpi.

You see course in JEE , however big, was unidirectional and properly channelized. However course structure in IITs is multi-directinal. So you cannot go into detail of every single thing or you`ll end up doing Phd!!

So now back to business!! -

Firstly go through this link where you will find your 1st semester course structure and description.  
 ( first page only that is only PH101)
(first and second page, only CH101,ME110, and ME111 )
(EE101 only )
(MA101 only)

OK, so now you know what courses you`ll study.

Regarding  books-

You see, in each of above links, books list is also provided. However only a few of them are important -

1.D. Kleppner and R. J. Kolenkow (first book in the list). This book is like a bible if you want to score 10 in physics which can be easily done. For physics this is more than enough.

2.Note that for chemistry, no book is required. i will tell you why in further discussion.

3.Dhananjay and jolhe or N.D Bhatt, any one of these can be used for engineering drawing.

4.D.Poole linear algebra , Bartle and Sherbert for real analysis, both are important. the latter one is important after midsem.

5.Listen, no book is required for EE but students do face problem sometimes in it. so for reference only, you can use Boylestad or Tocci, any one of these.

How to get these books-

As students are more , so library cannot have 700 copies of each book, thats unreasonable!! So better you issue them early. Now there are two methods to issue -
   If you have any cousin or friend studying in iit guwahati, then ask him to issue these books for you from his i-card, as you wont be having your own i-card. Otherwise, wait to get your i-card.
  Now there is another way to get books. Your hostel library. each hostel has a small library and very rarely students go and search there. However you will find all of the above books there.
 E-copies of these are equally good which can be found on DC++.

How to study??

1. Go to class and tutorials regularly. This is very very important. If you solve all tutorials, especially of maths, chemistry and EE, you can very easily score 9-10 in these.

2 Subject-wise tips-

2.1 Physics -

Kleppner and Kolenkov is your bible. Solve each and every question of it almost 4 times. And then  if you do not get 10 in physics, then i will shut my blog!!

2.2 Chemistry -

Don`t worry about it. Lecture slides are more than enough. In physical chem, whatever questions and theory the prof will tell you to solve in class or tutorial, SAME questions will be there in your exam. Also for inorganic and organic, lecture slides plus tutorials are more than enough. Now you can see why tutorials are important. Do not go into books or you`ll surely waste your time.

2.3 Maths -

D.Poole before midsems and Bartle and Sherbert after midsems are like bible. You see, solve every question of tutorials and D.poole.
 You see, topic taught after midsem (real analysis) is kind a vague topic. But if you read Bartle and sherbert, especially its examples are very important, then this topic will appear very easy to you. again if you follow this, 9-10 in Maths is sure.

2.4 Engineering Drawing -

You will be having regular lab sessions for ED, where you will be getting marks for each lab drawing. Now these marks do count seriously, you will come to know afterwards. So do make them seriously.
 Before going to lab, do read and UNDERSTAND the relevant topic from Dhananjay and Jolhe or ND Bhatt.

2.5 Electronics -

Tutorials are again very important for this. Also if you do not understand any topic in it, do clarify it very clearly with tutors or this will create a hell lot of problem. You can use books as a reference.

2.6 Labs -

VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Students generally ignore labs as it has low weight-age. But believe me, these will create a huge difference if you do not take them seriously. For chemistry lab, note the applications and initial preparations in advance (you will come to know what are these). In physics, do error calculations carefully and make the initial preparation always. In workshop, if you get your viva done properly , then 8-9 is sure in workshop. For workshop, use Elements of workshop technology ( ab blue coloured book). Just read this before viva. NEVER MISS A LAB SESSION.


Firstly, night-out studies are worthless. Many students study from 12 night to 6 morning and then sleep in the morning. This is a very BAD practice. All you will get is 6-8 cpi from this. Please avoid this.
Secondly, never miss a class and a tutorial. Always keep solutions of all tutorials with you.

Thirdly, Students do not take the labs seriously and end up getting 6-7 in each lab. VERY BAD!! This will create a huge difference ( my personal experience ).

Fourthly, Do enjoy!!. Not that you study whole time. There are students who study only for few hours, enjoy games and chats with friends and still score 9.78!! (its real)

Lastly, Never give up. Even if you get around 8-8.3 in 1st sem, you are not out of the game. You are very much in. Think of getting 9+ in second sem.




  1. Replies
    1. Thanks!!
      I just hope more and more students can read this as they will surely benefit from from it.

  2. thank you bhaiya looking forward for it....ALso cud u plzz share some things about the situation of ragging there..Ry scared about iteall

    1. Listen...I want to make it clear to all the freshers that NO RAGGING takes place in IIT Guwahati. There is absolutely no sign of ragging anywhere. The authortiea are VERY strict about ragging. We (seniors) are not even allowed to roam near your rooms!! So dont be worried about it.

      And thanks for the compliment. I will sure keep updating it.

      Hope your query is answered.

  3. we are loving your keep us informed about all mistakes u that we avoid them......

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I will sure keep updating it.

  4. Nything for Cse guys?

    1. took this post the wrong way. This is about the courses that you and EVERYONE has to study in their first 4 months. So there us no branch discrimination about CSE or CIVIL. This post is for all.

      Hope your query is answered.

  5. Its a wonderful blog....
    does it apply for all the iits? I am going to iit Varanasi..

    1. Thank you for the compliment.
      I am not sure it will apply to other iits also because you see, although the course structure is more or less same, the book preferred is different. Like in kanpur for PH101 (first year mandatory physics course), they refer Irodov. So , although it wont matter much but yes it odes matter.
      Apart tips given for subject-wise studying, rest everything applies same irrespective of whichever iit you belong.

      Hope your query is answered.

    2. The points in the post hold for IIT Mumbai where I studied. However there is a difference in the ragging scenario. IIT Bombay seniors and juniors live in the same hostel and ragging used to persist in 2007-2011 (not is extreme levels but still bothersome enough)

  6. Thanks a lot! It is a great help!

    1. But, can't the subjectwise tips be related ti IITKharagpur?

    2. Sorry i cannot help you on this matter. These subjectwise tips may or may not apply at any other iit, because although course structure is more or less same, books preferred and teaching methodologies can be different.
      i am being very direct because i cannot lie to you as this is a very sensitive issue.However tips for engineering drawing and labs may be applicable.
      One thing, however , can be done. When you reach there, check your course structure and try to compare it with iit guwahati course structure. Also see whether the books referred are somewhat similar or not. Then you can apply these!!
      Moreover , tips other than subject-wise tips will apply for any iit.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  7. hi, firstly Thanks for such a great post. I was actually finding the course syllabus and books recommended in iit Guwahati... Thanks a Lot !!
    now secondly even i want to change my branch . i wanted to ask whether these recommended books be available to BUY near the institute. also are the new courses like EE101 and maths to some extent are more,alike,or less difficult to understand than our iit jee courses ... Thanks for Help !!!

    1. Yes there are shops INSIDE the academic complex (which is inside the campus only so you do not need to go out) where you will find all these recommended books to buy. Also both new as well s 2nd hand books are available there.
      New courses like ee101 and ma101 are just like any other course. They are not hard at all once understood. And dude you have just now cracked JEE, so nothing keep in mind that nothing is hard for you. And don't get afraid from course description. The course studied in IIT`s in wide because iitians have the ability to grasp and absorb anything quickly and efficiently. Do believe in this fact!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

  8. is there any one of these in iit guwahati(first year)?:
    English Language and Composition

    HSS-1 (Level 1):Humanities and Social Sciences elective

    1. No there are not any of these courses in first year. However you do have HSS from 2nd year onwards.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  9. Any books for calculus?

    1. Use Bartle and Sherbert. Its the best. Also I see many of you getting Thomas Calculus getting issued!! Please do not fread from Thomas as it is of no use to you. You will simply waste your time!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

  10. bhaiya can we get solutions of kleppner(physics) from somewhere
    "Kleppner and Kolenkov is your bible. Solve each and every question of it almost 4 times.
    And then if you do not get 10 in physics, then i will shut my blog!!"
    by this statement what exactly you want to say that by doing each problem 4times we will get the ability to solve each problem in physics or in exams Q will come from this book only
    please help because i am very weak in physics some how i want to get good marks and i am from cl

    1. You cannot get a full solution manual of kleppner as its not available. However chapterwise solution of 1 or 2 chapters are available on dc and solution of many questions of kleppner are available online. Once you get your password and id, then you cab access them.
      If you revise kleppner at least 4 times this sem, then 10 is sure in physics. Because questions in exam are similar to those in kleppner.

      Hope your query is solved!!

  11. for calculus?? i cant get d poole....where to search

    1. For calculus, use Bartle and Sherbert. Also, if you cannot get d poole, then buy one from core 1 stationary shop as e book wont suffice your need. The book will cost you around 250.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  12. We r not able to relate the marks one gets and the corresponding grade point for that much marks. For eg, can u tell me roughly the grade point nd marks distribution for MAths. chem . . .

    1. CPI is calculated by considering marks of all the 650 students. In some subjects, one with highest marks and + or - 5 to 10 of it are given 10, then 9 to the - 5 or 10 , on. But in some subjects, absolute marking is there. That is, irrespective of how many marks the topper gets, prof decides a certain benchmark of marks above which he will award 10 and so on.........

      Previously, grading in maths and chem were relative and 10 was awarded above 70+ in maths. But i think this time maths paer were easier, so grading may go high.

  13. bhaiya many stdents of 1st year got good marks in both quiz and midsems but i am unable to get even 20% of total marks. Is there still a chance if i study very hard that i can score good grade if no what maximum grade can i expect(after much hardwork) please tell the truth.............

    1. You can still manage an 8+ if you work hard. Because endsem and quiz 2 are still left. That counts for around 50 to 60%, enough to make a difference. Endsems generally decide your grades to a large extent. So just do not loose hope and there is still a lot of scope to score 8+, which is regarded as good!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

    2. bhaiya
      please please tell me exactly how much % out of 100 one should score to get 8+ in every subject please tell me because this information is not available anywhere else and you are my last hope

  14. Bhaiya..what was ur CPI in the first year when u changed ur branch ? Which brnch did u change from and to which one? Why did u do so??? I mean ,what was the drawback of the previous branch in which u were in??

    1. Sorry i cannot give you all this info. And look, there is no drawback of any branch. Each and every branch provides ample of scope for you to achieve whatever you want. Its just the matter of interest :)

  15. Bhaiyya ..
    Who will give grades in lab courses? Is it the head of the lab group or will there be a common head to decide grades? Some of my friends from other lab groups are easily getting more marks whereas our T.A s are not giving those many marks..How will they normalise this??

    1. Lab courses are graded with respect to your individual lab group. So the one with highest marks +-10 in YOUR lab group will get a 10...and then 9, 8 and so on. This is for all labs except ED. In ED ,grading will be done w.r.t 660 students.
      Its true that marks of a lab also depends on TA.....a significant flaw in the system. However, many TA's are quite sensible, some proves partial in giving marks.

      Hope your query is answered!!

    2. Can you surely say that the range is + -10...?

    3. Generally. But you see it all depends on Prof. So in higher range like 8 or 9, gap is generally of 10, but in lower range like 6 or 7, gap can be of 5 also. It all depends of density of students in a particular range.

  16. I am facing a lot of problem in physics/chemistry lab because of my lab partner. Others who have good lab partners are getting much better marks and my marks are much lower than what I deserve. What can I do about this?

    1. Though the labs are over for this semester, I am concerned about labs from next semester. ( We also have a language problem)

    2. Next sem, only EE lab will require working with you partner. And there also, 3 of you will be working together, instead of 2. So i dont think any such prob may arise.
      Also you must be anle to handle language probs because in future, you dont know in which region of world you will get placed, so try to inculcate those things from now only!!

  17. Bhaiya.. How much marks are required for getting 8 or 9 in MA101??... As in how much above the average??

    1. Previous year, 8 was around 55. But as i have heard that this year paper was easy, so it may go a bit higher.
      Around 10+ from class average, you can surely get an 8.

  18. Bhaiya will I be able to claify my doubts in the subjects with the profs.I have heard it is mostly self reading and understanding the concepts in the IITs

    1. Yes there is no spoon feeding like you get in your coaching classes...there will never be. But if you have doubts, approach the TA's first...and mostly they will be able to solve your doubts. And if they are not able to solve, then go for profs. Email them, take appointment and they will surely give you time.

  19. wat s d general gpa cut off for ec fr branch change?

  20. Bhaiya when will the project works generally start(from which) semister.Will we get time to do that amidst the studying.And who are the TA's.

    1. What Project? There are no projects in 1st yr. And TA's are "teaching assistants". these are M.Tech / Phd students that may conduct your tutorials.

  21. is it easy for a branch change like comparing hard work for getting 9+ in iit guwwahati requires same hardwork as that we put in for clearing iit exam or more? i know different people put different hardwork like say some one get a rank of 3200 and trying for a branch change?please reply fast AS I am joining iit guwahati engineering physics , i want to know about branch change ease .....

    1. Well...yes you need to work hard..and effort required is equivalent to what you put in JEE. But as i am always saying, your CPI will define you for the next 4 yrs there is no harm working hard for it.

  22. Bhaiya basically what is the orientation programme in IIT guwahati.I heard there are some english diagnostic tests(in the orientation programme) in IIT madras.Can you please fill me up on these.

    1. Wait for time to unfold...this is yours to explore :)

  23. Bhaiya will we get to know exactly what concept or chapter will be taught the next day so that we can read it in advance

    1. You will know the full schedule of the semester in you very first class.

  24. Can u give links fr d pdf of d txt books an ref? Or if possible could u upload d books?

    1. You can get them from DC, or online once you reach IITG.

  25. Bhaiya other IITs have posted some information for the freshers.When will the info be posted in IIT guwahati.Also which documents are required at the registration time.Please reply since I am in chennai and leaving to kolkata tommorow

    1. I think you have not visited IITG's website. Here's the link -

      Also, join freshers forum'14 on fb. All the required documents are listed there. Moreover, the JEE brochure that you have received also contains all the required info, read it carefully.

  26. bhaiya , i am joining ECE BRANCH at iit g ,this year, i wanted cse but i missed by few ranks, so should i take there or go for IT in DTU or CSE in NITS, i didnot choose MATHEMATIC & COMPUTING (MAC) because i thought it would contain very tough mathematics and i dont like it much,but now i came to know its much similar to CSE and its very gud branch, so how much CPI i would need to get my branch changed to MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING (MAC)

  27. thanks for the information :)
    i am a fresher and can u please tell me the subjects i will be studying in the first year?

    1. Read the above post carefully..i have shared a link there with all the info about your courses.

  28. Based on BIG change in the cutoffs of MnC in JEE 2014 what could be the CPI required for branch change from EEE to MnC

  29. Hi.
    I'm joining iit Bhu this year.
    Would they be following the same books as well?
    Will your advice for brannch change work there as well?
    Could you anyway send me the systematic approach details?
    My mail-id is

    1. The details are already given in this blog. Branch change may work there as well. Don't know about the books they follow.

  30. Bhaiya lets assume subjects are classified as easy and tough.What are the marks(say out of 100) required to get a spi of 8.8 to 9.Hope you understand.

  31. can i miss d orientation prog. its emergency 4 me.

    1. Yes no prob...just make sure that you have done your registration.

  32. When can we issue our books?

  33. can you send me the links of all the above mentioned book?

  34. Well , I have few doubts,

    How much time you need to study (per day, apart from academics) to get 9+ ?
    I know it will differ from student to student , but any generalised figure?

    Second , now the exams are descriptive, so do handwriting affect the marks?

    I am a fresh and aspiring for the branch change.

  35. bhaiya , what is the heighest marks that goes in 1st maths quiz out of 15.

  36. what is the cpi required for bc for mech

  37. bhaiya , I've scored quite poor in first two quiz (ie., 4.5/15 in che and 7/15 in maths...) do I still stand a chance with good hardwork for opting for a branch change?(My ED marks are in 85-95 range and lab marks 17-20)

  38. thanks I think it will help me make me out from bad quiz 1.

  39. sir from where i can pracise lots of questions for scoring 10/10

    1. Make sure you do all the tutorials. Apart from that, I have mentioned the source of practice questions in my other posts. Please read them.

  40. Bhaiya what was your cpi in 1st semester and from which branch to which branch did you change? Atleast tell us now,please. It will give us motivation.

    1. Dude..sorry I cannot tell :P Maybe after 2 year or so. But yeah to motivate you, I can tell you that there were people who scored like 8.something (something is not that high) and still managed to change their branch.

  41. Bhaiya, can you tell me the cutoffs of previous year(2015) for branch change from chemical engineering,please. Or atleast the cutoff for EEE and ECE by asking your juniors,please bhaiya please.

    1. Thanks bhaiya. I'm eagerly waiting. :)

    2. Bhaiya can you please reply! :(

    3. Plz bhaiya i too wanna know that of year 2020

  42. is branch change good thinking by taking a bad branch what is the chance for branch change

    1. Nope. Whenever you take a branch, take it with the mindset that I have to remain in it for next 4 yrs and any possibility of not changing my branch will not effect me.

  43. bhaiyya can you tell me the differnce between electronics and electrical{eee} and ece branches?
    is eee more like electrical or is it more like electronics

    1. So ECE is more into electronics while EEE is more into electrical stuff. Won't be able to explain here. Reach the campus and discuss with a few seniors in detail.

  44. Can you send me the link of the site where I can find ebooks of 3rd semester for ece/eee department, presently i am not at the campus, so have no access to DC++ ?

  45. Thanks for the advices. Also can you send me the link of b tech 1st sem ME question papers of previous years

    1. Search on DC++. I think..or rather I know they must be there. But only look into those papers after you have done all your preparation thoroughly or you will get nothing but demotivated.

  46. Hello bhaiya, I have scored pretty low in the quiz 1, like an average of about 6 out of 10, are there any chances to get a cpi of 10 after 1st year?? Please respond asap.

  47. Hello bhaiya, I have scored pretty low in the quiz 1, like an average of about 6 out of 10, are there any chances to get a cpi of 10 after 1st year?? Please respond asap.

    1. Dude...its only quiz 1. You have midsems, quiz 2 and endsems also. Do not worry and loose focus. Do not be neurotic about things that yo cannot change. I am damn sure that there is plenty of scope to do better in that subject and score a 10 on 10. Its not like you need to get 100% marks to get an AA.

  48. Bhaiya, could you please tell the marks required for a 10 cpi in each subject for the 1st semester(last year).... please respond asap

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  50. In general,
    How much percentage of students can score 9+,8+,7+ grade in iitg

  51. Very relevant post. Is there any computer programming course in 1st year.
    Sincere Regards.

  52. how much marks should i get supplymentery of ma102 is it same as MA102 course as 15 marks compulsory .. please answer quickly thanks in advance

  53. Hey , can i drop my cs course in first semester? Will that help me?
    PS- I had cs in my plus 2

  54. SIR, I AM FROM IITBHU 1ST YEARITES, PLS Suggest me books for maths102 and chemistry 101 , in maths weARE studying sets, fields ,etc. and in chemistry coordination comp.&in physics which book for electrodynamics and for c programming which book should be best for branch change.plz bataiye sir......i

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  56. Thank you so much for clarifying almost 90% doubt related to branch change and cpi

  57. Is there any luck factor in branch change or it is completely cause and effect

  58. No actually some of the cheaters got branch change this year.

    1. They cheated in all the examinations copying from one another with very less knowledge and got branch like mnc. They diverted other toppers mind not to take branch change and themselves got it.

  59. Bhaiya will these books be still effective after so many yrs.

  60. You didnt mention the help book for calculus

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    ReplyDelete query is-