
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Selecting among NSS,NCC and NSO....

Now i found this thing important to post because while filling your registration form, you will be asked to choose among nss, ncc and nso. THEY WILL BE WITH YOU FOR 2 YEARS. Here is a description about them and a note of caution -

1. NCC -
 I hope most of you know what is ncc from school level. Now if you choose ncc, you will have regular sessions of it two times a week ( note that you already have PE sessions two times a week ). In ti , you would be doing parade and other relevant exercises along with a chance to take part in 26th Jan parade. Also you have to go in sessions with hair trimmed too short otherwise NO ATTENDANCE!!.

NSO stand for sports. So if you have die hard interest in any of sports , then you can choose them . You have to fill three sports according to your preferences. Now getting admitted to cricket, football, and badminton is difficult (for boys!!). And getting volleyball, lawn tennis,table tennis,basketball and athletics is easy.  Now how you get your choice. See, there will be selections for each sport. So while going for selections of badminton, tt and lawn tennis, do carry your rackets otherwise you will be rejected.
  Fill your first choice very carefully as consider this as your last choice because getting 2nd and 3rd choice sport is very difficult because seats get already full after first sort outs.
  After selections, sessions will be held twice a week for 1.5 hrs. So choose it wisely. each sport has very good coaches who will teach you everything!!

 Now the form taht you will fill will say that nss is social service in which you will help poor and needy children near the campus. But whats truth is that in nss little work is to be done, most easy to get and most relaxing. Its great, its awesome, its fun and if you ASPIRE FOR BRANCH CHANGE, THEN DO FILL NSS as your 1st choice.

Note: You can get your option changed even after allotment. But changing from nso to nss is easy but from ncc to nss is most difficult. If you ever face this prob, do contact me and i will guide you .


  1. can we change the sport well after allotment

  2. Well...firstly its not advisable to get your sports changed because you have to do bit of paper work for that and have to request corresponding authorities for the same.
    However you can get your sports changed but it depends on where you want to go ?? For ex if you want to go from tennis to cricket, them its virtually impossible because getting into cricket is itself hard. But if you want to go the opposite way, say from cricket to table tennis, then its easy. Hope you got it!!

  3. how does filling for nss help in branch change? please elaborate.

    1. You see, ncc and nso have regular sessions twice a week for about 1.5 hrs In addition to these, you already would be having you PE sessions twice a week. So if you choose ncc or nso, then you will be getting less time to study and also if your stamina is not good, then you can have no energy left to study.
      nss doesn`t have regular sessions. So no such probs occur.Moreover, work given in nss is not tiring. Hope you get it.
      However its not that students having nso dont get their branch changed. Its just that nss has an upper hand.

  4. how tough are the selections for swimming for nso in IIT G ? Also i used to play football in school level and was above average in it so do u think that is enough for selection. i am just not sure what to put first football or swimming?

    1. Selection for swimming nso are easy, provided you know swimming. And if you are above average in football and do play it regularly, then it wont be tough for you to get selected for football nso.
      I i were you, i will prefer swimming nso. This is because this will get you a more easy chance to to go fr inter IIT sports meet. Now, a certificate of inter IIT is very important in placements. It enhances your CV many a times as it proves that you have stamina and can do field work. You will get certificate if you go for inter-IIT, not when you win there!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

  5. i have a small query here.... if i take nss for 1st year and then (suppose)i get my branch changed then can i take nso for 2 nd year ?? bcoz i am desirous for my branch change as well as football and athletics enthusiast...!! Pls Help !!!

    1. No you cannot change it in 2nd year. Once nso,nss or ncc allotted in first year, it cannot be change in 2nd year.
      But yes if you are that enthusiastic for football or athletics, then you can think about taking it because its not that students having nso do not get their branch changed. Its all upto you!!

      Hope your query is answered!!

  6. If i opt for nso and if somehow i am unable to get any of 3 sports of my choice...then?? Wat nxt then? Nss or ncc or none of these?

    1. In the form you also have to fill preference order of nso,nss and ncc. So say if your 1st preference is nso and you do not get any of 3 desired sport, then you will be given your 2nd preference of nss or ncc.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  7. I am oriented towards cricket (they say i'm a good bowler)..should i then opt for cricket as my nso choice? I am also looking fwd for my branch u xactly tell me how many hours do i hv to cut out of my studies? Will exert great pressure on me towards my hopes of getting my branch changed?? And one last que..u r also a branch changer na? As ur profile said..had u taken nso? And frm wic brnch did u chngd to wic brnch?

    1. If you have reasonable stamina.. then yes tou can choose cricket. For any nso sport, 3hrs a week have to be devoted for sessions in which you get attendance. And a minimum attendance is REQUIRED for it.
      I have always said, there are students also who have nso and still get their branch changed. So if you have stamina and a die hard fan for cricket, then go for it!!
      Yes i am a branch changer and i have taken nss. However, i cannot tell you that i changed my branch from where to where due to privacy reasons. Sorry for that.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  8. is there any project in nss which we have to make in exam time.....

    is it true!

    1. This us a total LIE!! . I dony know who told you this. No you dont have to submit any project in nss anytime!!

      Hope your query is answered!!!

  9. we have to study theory in nss

    1. No not at all. No theory, no books, no project, nothing such bookish items.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  10. NSO. NSS, NCC hasn't started in the first semester. When will it start?

    1. Most probably by next sem. If not, then it should positively start from 3rd sem.

      Hope your query is answered!!

  11. 2nd sem is about to get underway and I dont think we have received any notice regarding NCC, NSO OR NSS. does that mean it will come in 3rd sem or can we get the notice after the sem has started too?
    Also if I fill NSS as my first choice am I sure to get it? If not then what criteria do I have to fulfill?

    1. Yeah...i am also a bit surprised about this. Surely they will ask you about it, if not in this sem then definitely in 3rd sem. Or maybe you will be asked during registration on 2nd Jan.
      You will get it solely on the basis of CPI. So make sure you maintain it!!!

    2. around what cpi should i maintain it??

  12. hey
    i am interested in football ( 1st pref) or if possible cricket
    hw many selections are allowed for freshers to nso and on wat basis ? and hw s d team selected for inter iit meet?

    1. For popular sports like football or cricket, there are trials for NSO selection. So if you know how to play (even a scintilla) , then you may get selected.
      Inter IIT team is selected on your performance. Generally, team members are from NSO only, but its not necessary as there are separate trials for IIT team with call for all students.

    2. k... thans...
      but hw many r selected into nso from each branch?
      or is nso common for all branches?

    3. NSO, NSS and NCC are common for all branches so its not branch specific.

  13. If NSO/NCC/NSS starts from 3rd sem then why does it affects odds of branch change of a student???

    1. bad. I need to edit this post. Thanks

  14. Do v get necessary sports accessories inside d campus? Say studs an shin guards for ex?

    1. can only get ball, shuttles, tt balls...and such small stuff here. For high range stuffs, you need to buy them from city where you can easily get them

    2. wat r d restrictions on goin outta d campus?

    3. Again a very vague question...please elaborate.

    4. are students allowed to leave d campus any time wen der r no classes?
      an say fr recreational activities on hols? wat restrictions are imposed on timings of staying outside d campus?
      an are der any recreational or hangout spots wer u visit frequently or r famous among students?

    5. No restrictions are there but yes you must return by 2300 hrs or you will be sent to Dean. For recreational activities...well explore yourself !!

  15. i dont know tennis and swimming but iam intrested in it advicable for me to take nso and put these as choice of preference and learn them there?

    1. Not swimming..but yes you can go ahead with tennis. Make sure you have your own racket/bat.

  16. Wen ll d selections fr nos conducted?
    Do v get to practice regularly b4 selections supervised by coaches?

    1. Selections will be conducted in your 3rd sem. No, there will be trails for selection.

  17. i do play badminton and table tennis quite well , can i enroll myself in both the fields

    1. As in But as a hobby and for Inter IIT trials..yes

  18. i don't know how to swim... Will i be able to learn it there?? And other sports too without being a part of nso....

    1. Depends on popularity of sport. And no for swimming.

  19. Which among NCC, NSS and NSO is most commonly taken by girls?

    1. NCC..well no. NSS and NSO is what they opt for.

  20. how many seats are there in one sport like football.

  21. I know swimming and can play table tennis.But,I want to learn lawn tennis(which i havent played till now).So,can I put lawn tennis as my first choice?
    Also,you wrote that we have to consider our first choice as the last choice.Why?
    Though I know swimming,I am afraid that they ask us to swim for long time.Now,please help.

  22. hi, when will we be asked to register for NCC/NSS/NSO?

  23. Bhayya,
    what are the rules and regulations for NSS, like number of hours a week, working days, etc. If possible can you provide me the link of nss page in intranet.
    Thank you.

  24. I play badminton, but not that quite good. I am afraid of getting poor grade in NSO. So, is it advisable to join it or should I go with NSS?
    Also, I want to learn Lawn Tennis. Can I learn it? If yes, how? Should I join any club?
    Remark: I seriously want to change my branch to CSE..

    1. Join NSS. And you can learn lawn tennis later after 1st year on your own. Study hard this year.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. does nss ncc nso still happen in first year for 2016?
    Please tell me as soon as possible. im trying for branch change

  27. When do we have to register for NSO?
    And when does the selection takes place?

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  29. Hey do the NSO includes indoor games as such Chess, Cubing, Carrom, etc ... ?

  30. How to clear backlogs?

  31. Interesting blog. Nice to read something like this. Its great.

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  32. What are NSO options for girls?

  33. So, you have also given JEE Advanced this year??

  34. Can I take NCC and NSO (Squash) both. I will manage it.

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