
Monday, July 8, 2013

Your daily routine....a preview of life at IIT guwahati

The day before your first day of instruction, you will get your timetable for the first semester displayed on the notice board of the respective hostel. But i bet you, at first sight you will not be able to understand that timetable, so try to forge it or ask one of your seniors for help.
  Students are divided into two groups according to their branches-


In addition to these, you will be divided in different lab groups and tutorial groups. Classes of same branches having same groups are held together in lecture halls. Whereas tutorial sessions are held together for same tutorial group.

Now scheduled for GROUP 1 are-

0800-0900 - Tutorial classes (4 DAYS A WEEK) for both groups based on tutorial groups. In these you will be discussing assignment sheets given by profs!! Do solve them and take them very seriously!!
  On the first day, no tutorial will be held, but do go there so as to get idea of you tutorial room.
0900-1200 - Its lecture time!! And guys first lecture will be a great fun. Especially of Prof. S.K. Bose!! Your subjects would be - engineering drawing, maths, physics, chemistry, and electronics.
PLEASE NEVER MISS A LECTURE!! Students doesn`t seem to care about it. Initially he strength of lecture halls is about 250-300 but within a month , you will find strength going down to as low as 50!!  Missing a lecture, intentionally, is not at all good. Dude ,you are here to study, and that`s what you are missing!!

1400-1700 - Lab sessions according to your lab groups. Your labs would be-
                     1. Engineering Drawing
                     2. Chemistry lab
                     3. Workshop
 ( Note that group 2 DOES NOT have workshop in1st sem, instead they have physics lab )
The first session of each lab will be an intro, except for engineering drawing.

1730-1830 - Either PE classes (2 days a week) or nso or ncc sessions.

 Now scheduled for GROUP 2 are-

0800-0900 - Same as group 1.

0900-1200 - Lab sessions according to your lab groups. Your labs would be-
                     1. Engineering Drawing
                     2. Chemistry lab
                     3.Physics lab
 ( Note that group 1 DOES NOT have physics lab in 1st sem, instead they have workshop )
The first session of each lab will be an intro, except for engineering drawing.

1400-1700 - Lecture time same as group 1.

Note: Your tutorial rooms would be in this format , sat 2202 or 3102. Now do not think that there are 3000-4000 rooms in the academic complex!!. Its actually a naming scheme. Look- academic complex is divided in 4 parts know as "cores". So naming can be explained with an example-

say 3102 - Now here "3" represents "core", that is, room is in 3rd core section.
                  1 represents floor number, that ,is room is on first floor.
                  02 represents room number that is its second room.
Got it!!


  1. Is there time for sports in d timetable?
    Do all d grounds hav floodlights? Suppose v hav to play in d evenin?

    1. Lol..this is not your school. You will be free in evenings so you can go there and play. And yes ALL playgrounds have flood lights because students generally play in the eve only.

  2. R d academic calendars followed strictly?
    Just to plan d dates fr trips back home.. ?

    1. Academic Calender is followed VERY VERY AND VERY STRICTLY.

  3. Is there facility of saloon in the campus or we have go to Guwahati city??

  4. When do we freshers have our first holidays?

  5. Will the orientation also be held in d same manner or s it common for all freshers?

    1. There will be 2 orientations - overall and branch wise.

  6. after end sem at 26th nov, is there any sense in staying at iitg if not then why are winter vacations starting from 5 dec.

  7. what exactly are we gonna do in PE classes?

  8. will i need a wire there for hanging clothes n curtain?
    u have talked about bringing nails with us, then we will need a hammer too, is that available there?

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  11. Bhaiya, what is schedule for MSc freshers...

  12. & what's late registration fees per day ?

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