
Friday, October 4, 2013

How to study for sem 2...and tips to score 9+!!!

Well, i hope your first sem is going well... and many of you are scoring quite enough to stay above 8.2 to 8.5.
   Note that you should not get disappointed even  if you get a bit lower cpi in first sem, because second sem can make a hell lot f difference!!!
 Also this post is not only for branch changers but also for those students who want to score better in 2nd sem.

     If you ask any of your senior, then they will say that second sem is very tough. But believe me, its really not that tough. at first, it may seem a bit hard to pull through it because unlike first sem, most of the things in 2nd sem will be new to you. But they are interesting, typical but interesting !!!

 Now talks apart. In second sem, you will be having 5 subjects and 3 labs, totaling to a credit of 43. Firstly look at you course structure from here - 

 - syllabus for ME110 , CS101 , CS110, MA102, ME101 -

 - For PH102

- For EE102 lab -

 (I cannot find the link for BT101!! :P . However i got detailed syllabus -
 BT 101  Modern Biology (3-1-0-8)                                                                        
 Diversity in biological systems; cell biology and cell structure; biological membranes; bioenergetics;  genetics: DNA as genetic material; structure of DNA; DNA replication; transcription; translation; genes to proteins and to protein function; gene expression and regulation; recombinant DNA technology. Human physiology: biological axons and neurons, neuromuscular and synaptic junctions; sensory systems - hearing, taste, smell and visual receptors.
[1] J. L. Tymoczko, J. M. Berg and L. Stryer, Biochemistry, 5th Ed, W. H. Freeman & Co, 2002.
[2] D. L. Nelson and M. M. Cox, Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, Macmillan Worth, 2000. 
[1] N. Hopkins, J. W. Roberts, J. A. Steitz, J. Watson and A. M. Weiner, Molecular Biology of the Gene, 4th Ed, Benjamin Cummings, 1987.
[2] C. R. Cantor and P. R. Schimmel, Biophysical Chemistry (Parts I, II and III), W.H. Freeman & Co., 1980.
[3] C. C. Chatterjee, Human Physiology, Vol 1 & 2, 11th Ed, Medical Allied Agency, 1987)

Although all subjects are equally important, the game changers will be CS101, CS110, BT201 and PH102!!

Now how to study "efficiently" for them ??

As i have done in my previous posts, i will be giving subject wise tops for each of them -

1. CS101 and CS110 - I am putting these two together simply because they cannot be separated!! In theory course , you will be learning basic and advanced C programming.
       Lab will be a three hour session in CC where you will be given a problem to solve using C language. Your final code for problem will be analyzed and marks will be given out of 100 for each lab.each student can carry a book of c programming with him in the lab.  However first two labs will be for basic linux commands.
  Now this looks pretty simple,right ? i mean learn C in theory class and apply in lab. But everything is not that simple. Usually they will teach very elementary in class and will give probs in lab which will be quite advanced!!
  These two courses are nightmares for most of the students during 2nd sem and can create a hell lot of difference. Now how to efficiently cope them??
  For that two cases arise -
   1. You know C or equivalent computer language already. This maybe because you might have learned it in +2 or somewhere else. If this is the case, then believe me you will have a very good advantage over others.
 2 . Now problem arise when you DO NOT know C beforehand. For that you need to provide some input from your side in winter holidays, i.e, read the book "Let Us C - By Yashwant Kanetkar". You can buy it from here - (its latest edition) Complete this book and do all its problems and i promise you that 9 or 10 in both CS110 and CS101 is sure. Another book is "Mastering C by E balaguruswamy". But i prefer let us c.

Some portion of this course is not provided in any book. so you need to understand them by researching on google.
 Note that it would be good if you can install CodeBlocks (software to run C programme) or Ubuntu (Linux) before going to home so that you can practice C at home.

2.PH102 -  Just like previous sem, in this sem you need to follow "Griffiths - Intro to electrodynamics". This book will be more than enough. Note that PH102 will be completely new topic to you. Apart from basic electrodynamics that you read in +2 (which is infact a very little part), there are many other thing and horrifying equations( atleast on first look), which are not that hard if you follow them regularly. Attend all tutorials and solve them wisely. And yes, do all the relevant back questions, chapter questions and examples of the book at least 3 times!!

3. ME101 - This is mostly mechanics that you read in 11th class. So no hard deal for you. Things are simple and easy. You can follow NPTEL (CLICK HERE) course modules or yhe slide give by your prof. Also i preferred "Merriam and Kreige' book as its theory and examples were pretty good. Do solve them.
  There will be a tutorial which will be graded ,i.e, you will be given 10 questions, 5 to solve in class and 5  as home assignment. Please do go in the first tutorial, as it will be held BEFOR  the first class, so do not skip it.

4. MA102 - Course is divided in two - ordinary differential equations (ODE) and multivarable calculus. For former, go for Ross and for latter , i prefer Fitzpatrick (this book is not referred but i found it really useful ). For MA102 , lecture slide would be more than enough, plus tutorials ar sufficient. Avoid silly mistakes in as compared to MA101, this is easier so cutoff will go high!!

5. BT201 - Now i am t sure whether you all are having this course or not because prof told that they will be removing the course from next sem or either diluting it. This course is divided in three parts - genetics, heredity and evolution, and biochemistry.
  For heredity part, slides will be given but hang on!! Here is the catch. Many of the slides will only have pictures in them and their description will be give to you in class by prof. So DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE THAT in your copy. Similarly for genetics part. If you write every explanation what the prof says, then you will have a great advantage at the time of exams.
  There will be no quiz!! Just endsem and midsem.
 Reference book to be used is "Lehringer (confirm the spelling) ". Only some portion of this book is useful to you. I referred it only for genetics part and it proved very useful.

6.EE102 -This is electricals lab where yo would be making simple basic circuits like HWR, FWR, etc.Its pretty easy. Group of three will be formed. You will also be having viva for each experiment (or maybe not, it depends on TA). The important part part this lab is the midsem. It will be kind of objective paper where you will be asked basics of experiments that you have done. So if you score 18 or 19 out of 20 in it, then 10 is sure in this lab.

I think this will be all for second semester!!
Suggestions and edits are always welcome!! :)



  1. Bhaiya, Is it BT201 or BT101 or both?

    1. Naa..its BT101. BT201 is the what BT students study in their 3rd sem.

  2. bhaiya, are average marks in a subject equivalent to a 7 or a 6 pointer?

    1. also bhaiya, im getting about 34 marks greater than the class' average mark but about 24 marks lesser than the class topper...what sort of grade can i expect??

    2. Average marks are equivalent to 7.
      I think you will surely get an 8...and a good chance of 9. However it also depends on density of students between topper and topper-10 marks.

  3. bhaiya,if i know c/c++ prehand,what should i do in the winter vacation to be able to do better...

    1. Its good that you already know c. Just relax for now and try to master application part of c. :)

  4. bhaiya, do we have codeblocks in our cc labs or r they different? which one is better...?

    1. We have ubuntu in CC labs. Definitely codeblocks is better because it tells us error simultaneously as we write the code, unlike in ubuntu terminal where error is displayed once the program is executed.
      However as most of the companies use linux environment , therefore its better if you get habitual to ubuntu's terminal rather than codeblocks. However for 2nd sem, its fine to use codeblocks.

  5. from where do i get codeblocks and ubuntu? can i get it right now because I'm at home?

    1. You can get codeblocks from here -

      For ubuntu -

      Also you can download them from DC (in hostel). Make sure to search for "wubi" on DC for downloading ubuntu.

  6. i got a 6.7 in 1st sem.
    does that mean i a very poor chance of getting internships...?

    it was said during orientation that if your 1st sems spi is not above 8 you have a very poor chance of making that above 8 or upto 9 in the coming semsters.
    is that true?
    what are your opinion on this topic ?

    1. Firstly, what was said in orientation was a generalized view. Meaning to say that if someone has got an spi below 7.5-8 in 1st sem..then clearly he did not put that much effort as needed in IIT. So in a generalized way if you do not work hard in coming sems, then your cpi would also remain near 7 (and that's also obvious!!).
      Regarding interns -
      You should not worry about least not now. You get an intern at the end of 3rd year...and also an optional intern at the end of 2nd year. CPI does matter a lot but if it's above 8..then its acceptable. Its also true that if your cpi is above 8, then you have more chance of getting an intern. But its not the only thing. There are many other aspects which you will come across in coming time. So dont worry about it.
      Also its not at all hard for you to take your cpi above 8 at the end of your 3rd year. Even if you work hard so as to get an 8.5 around in coming can make it above 8. However to take make your cpi 8+ at the end of 2nd sem, you need to work a bit more harder!!

  7. Bhaiya i got 8.82 cpi in the first sem ( didnt give importance to ED) .....What cpi should I aim for to get
    Branch change into EE or ECE in the second semester .... Thanks

    1. Firstly, use the word spi...not cpi.
      Try to get a spi of 8.8+ for EE and 9.4+ for EC

    2. ok thanks bhaiya :)

  8. The link to the syllabus of courses is no longer working. ( - syllabus for ME110 , CS101 , CS110, MA102, ME101 - Can you please provide me an alternate link.

  9. bhaiya i gotta a spi of 6.5 . is branch change to EEE or EC still possible?

    1. Sorry..but now its not possible to change to ee or ec now. However if you get a perfect 10 this sem, then there is a slight chance for change in mech.
      But try harder this time, because a higher cpi will server you for ages!! :)

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. bhaiya,that NPTEL link in me101 is also not working

  12. bhaiya how much cpi do u thnk will be needed to do a minor in cs?

  13. bhaiya, i would like to ask a basic question . . . why do students opt for minors? How does it help?(in placements?). Are there any negative consequences of opting a minor like study overload etc.? Moreover what would happen if someone drops a minor in between?

    1. Don't worry now. I will publish a detailed post on this matter just after the mid sem.

  14. Bhaiya , I got 8.93 CPI in first year.. can i get EEE in branch change??

    1. Well done on your CPI !! :) And yes sure you'll get EEE after branch change.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello. Well done on your CPI !! According to previous year stats, EEE got closed on 8.76. So yes hopefully, you may get it. Keep watching for the BC notice in the Academics section on IITG "internet' site.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. how does the grades like 8.9 work or a better question , how does grades go along with credits?
    getting more credits means more grades is it?

    1. Grades depend on credits. Credits are assigned for a particular course. So you can see them as weighted mean. Like - Course A has 4 credits and Course B has 2 credits..and you score Grades 8 and 6 respectively in Course A and B. So your SPI (Semester performance index) will be - ((4 X 8) + (2 X 6)) / (4 + 2) = 7.33

  17. Bhaiya basically what is the orientation programme in IIT guwahati.I heard there are some english diagnostic tests(in the orientation programme) in IIT madras.Can you please fill me up on these.

  18. Bhaiya will we get to know exactly what concept or chapter will be taught the next day so that we can read it in advance

  19. what will be the cpi for branch change to mechanical (Approx.)

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    1. What is the passing marks for ma102

  21. bhaiya,i(saurabh kumar) have secured 7.6 spi(branch ECE). for minor course of cse how much i have to secure spi in 2nd sem and how is it possible????plz help me

  22. bhaiay what will the cutoff for bt 101, ma102 in 2nd semester

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