
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Details about Minor courses..and some FAQ's about them!!

Hi folks!! Hope your midsems went fine. Till now you have probably got a feel of what its like to give exams and score a CPI in IIT.

Many of you must be confused about what are minor courses and how are the helpful? While there must be some of you who do not know anything about them. So this post is to help you to guide through your confusions so that you can clarify your doubts.

What is exactly a minor course?

 A minor course gives you an extra course per semester (till 7th sem). In your bachelor's degree, it will be mentioned as - " Bachelor of Technology in XXX(your department)XXX with an specialization in XXX(your minor course)XXX". These have efficently designed course structures which provides you an insight and some fundamental concepts of the branch in which you have taken your minor.

Is there any criteria for getting desired minor?

Yes...basically only for CSE minor. For it, you need at least a cpi of 8.4+. While other minor courses are easy to get.

What is the course structure and routine?

For course structure go to intranet>>sections>>academic>>minor course structure and syllabi
You will be having classes for minor from 12 to 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Each sem's minor course will be of 6 credits (in maths minor, 5th sem is of 8 credits), so they also add up quite efficiently to your cpi.

Which minor is best for me?

Note that you cannot take an audit course in minor. If you have interest in any particular stream, the do choose that minor. Otherwise general trend is that  - 
CSE minor: Mostly students form all branches who have interest in coding can take it.
EE minor: Generally mechanical students prefer EE minor.
Design Minor: Truly speaking, an efficient way to improve your grades as minimum grade you can get is 9. So either students who want to improve their grades or machanical students interested design.
Maths and other Minor: Quite an interesting deal if you really love maths.Generally take by mixed students. 

 Is minor helpful in placements?

Now comes the big question!! You see, minor course concept was started in year 2010. So our now graduating seniors are the first breed of with minor courses. So this time, companies didn't know that what is the significance of minor. So the situation still remains dubious over the question.

Can i drop the minor course ?

No doubt minor course load will be heavy as it is actually one extra course per sem. But here is the sunshine - you can drop a minor course in any sem you want to. Now this has some consequences - 

1. You can drop a minor course only before its last date, which is around 2nd week after midsems. So say if you like your 3nd sem minor course and wish to continue, but when you come to 4th sem and you find it pretty hard to continue, the you can drop it in the fourth sem also. Basically you can drop it in any sem before the last date.

2. If you wish to drop it, then there wont be any mention of specialization in minor field or courses in the degree....even if you drop it in you last sem!!

3. Suppose your cpi gets effected due to your minor grades for 2 sems, and you wish to drop it now in 3rd sem, then the damage done by the minor grades in your previous sems will NOT revert back.

Hope the above info has cleared many of your doubts. If  you want to get more info on this topic, then do comment under this post.


  1. I'm a biotech student...I have an spi of 8.64and Im sure that ill score around the same in sem sure that i wont be able to change my branch..I like coding and I was able to score good marks in the mid sem exam...What are the advantages of taking a CSE minor for me....?? Will I be able to sit in better interview platforms?? please elaborate

    1. The most important course in CSE minor is of Data Structures and Algorithms which actually helps you in coding!! They won't teach you different languages like C++ or JAVA but of course these you can learn by your own.
      And most probably you will be able to sit in better interviews because many companies come open to all but test your coding it will prove to be helpful.

  2. will i be able to cope up with the cs minor course and also manage my core courses at the same time?? becoz i hav performed really bad in the cs101 midsems . . . . . can the cs101 course and cs minor be compared in toughness in any way. which one is tougher??

    1. If you rate CS101 a score of 10 on difficulty scale....then CS minor is 7 or 6. Hence yes i think you can definitely cope it. Moreover, you can yourself evaluate yourself when you will study your 1st minor course.

  3. can u also post an article about hss?

  4. 1) How is the marking in psychology hss course??
    2) what will be the schedule in our 2nd year....classes/labs per day..? I'm in EEE...and my friend is in BT..plz tell for both..
    3) Please tell me if there are any good "internships" possible in 1st year..( not summer trainings) ..Also what about 2nd, 3rd and 4th year? (for both BT and EEE)...

  5. I want to explore more on Robotics. I got into Electronics and Electrical Engineering. So which minor should i go for?

    1. For that, there is a separate Robotics Club...and its really really efficient so it will prove helpful to you.

  6. I have opted for Mathematics and computing course, I love coding, Should I do a minor in CS or will coding be a part of my curriculum?

    1. Mathematics students are not allowed minor in CSE as the courses of their minor and dept. are almost similar. However, coding is an imp part of M&C so you will encounter it many a times.

  7. Are freshers allowed to attend the workshops at techniche? And when will the schedule for all d workshops b available?

    1. Yes you can. You will get a detailed schedule in near future.

  8. Please update the info as soon as the changes are made in institute norms.From this year,if one drops a minor course,all the previous in previous semesters will be removed.

  9. Can we get MCM scholarship if we have a backlog in SA courses like NSS but having other eligibilities to accquire it?

  10. What is the minimum CPI needed for minor course....?

    1. Depends on the minor. Say for CSE, its around 8.2-8.3. For ECE, its 7.5-7.8.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. minimum cpi criteria for a minor in design??

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  14. Can keeping a minor in ECE help in getting placements or internships?
    Please explain if there are any other advantages.

  15. Can PG students take minor courses?

  16. I'm in my 3rd sem now. My major is ECE and I also taking minor in product design. I want to audit CS minor also. Is it possible?

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