
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Working with IIT Guwahati LAN...LAN How to`s??

NOTE : You can use your lan service only when you have got your "id" and "password" from computer center. These will be available to you within 1-2 weeks. Now to set your lan , do the following -

FIRSTLY, after getting your password and user id, go to cc, open iitg intranet site and go to "hostel ip calculator". Now get your ip, gatway and other required data from there and then proceed.

STEP 1 - Go to start>control panel>network and internet>view network status and tasks -

STEP2 - Select 'change adapter settings from lest side box. Now right click on "local area connection" and click on properties. Here select "internet protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4) and click on properties. Now select "Use the following ip address" radio button and "use the following DNS server addresses" radio button and input the required data.

Now half the work is done. Now comes the settings for web browsers -


Click on firfox button on top left corner and select options. There select advanced tab and click on settings. Now select "Manual proxy configuration" radio button. Enter HTTP Proxy as : (as given to you by cc) and port as 3128 and check mark "use this proxy server for all protocols" . In the no proxy for text box, type this-

So now settings for mozilla is done.


Step 1. Click on favorite hub button (star button).

  Step 2. Click on New button and fill in the information -
          Name : Kameng hub
          address  : adc://adc://

(CHANGED 09/12/15)

Click on OK. Now check mark the matrix option.

NOTE: The address of dc is not permanent and may change. However, currently it is this . If it changes, i will update it here also.

Step 3. Now click on menu bar ,select ->  File>>Settings. There, in "General" tab, enter your nick name. Now in "Upload slots" tab, enter the no of upload slots to be 3.
        In Sharing tab, select the files you want to share on dc. Note that a user has to share a minimum of 50GB on dc , otherwise he won`t be allowed to use it.

Step 4: Click on OK. Now click on reconnect button (second button from beginning below menu bar). The status window must show you connected. In the text box below the status window, enter-
         +regme password
        So now every time you will log in, the admin will ask for your password.

Some of you are not able to connect to dc++. Make sure that the connection setting is ok -

So settings finished. Now you are ready to roll!!


 STEP 1: Go to  Skype>>Tools>>Connection options...
 STEP 2: Here do the following settings-

Note that-
Username: (Which you use while logging in to portal site)
Password:  (Which you use while logging in to portal site)
Host: (The proxy server given to you. like or


Thursday, July 18, 2013

LAPTOP....Required or not ???

Now i see most of you are confused about this-

You see what the whole thing is-

Actually it goes like this that you go for a lecture. Now the professor will teach you a chapter using presentation as pdf or power point files. After teaching you, he will upload those slides on the intranet from where you can download and read them . Also a print out of these slides will be made available in the stationary shop of academic complex from where you can get them xeroxed and read them.
If you do not want to read the slides from hard copy, then you can read from soft copy by downloading the slides from the intranet. Now here is where laptops is useful. Either you can go to computer center, sit on a computer, download the slides on it and then read them. Or if you have a laptop, then you can download the slides on the laptop, sitting in your room itself, from the lan connection provided in each room.
Advantage of laptop comes from the fact that say you are having an exam 8'o clock in the morning and say if you want to wake up early around 5 and revise, then going early morning to computer center is harder than revising from your own laptop (keep in mind you still have hard copy option left) .
Moreover, you can find previous year question papers, e books and many more stuff on dc++ which you cannot find on a computer of computer center as dc is not allowed in computer center.
As far as talking about distractions, I got my laptop the very first day and I also aimed for branch change. I controlled myself not to play addictive games, watch too much movies and not to do fb for long. Finally I got my branch changed. So its all about control. Here you will find both kind of students : getting 9+ by studying from xerox notes and also getting 9+ by studying via laptop.
Note that a laptop is not required for distraction. I have also seen students who have ruined there first year because they got addicted to YouTube. The used to watch continuous videos sitting in computer center.
Dude its all about you and your control. Final result will depend on it!!

Still you have any doubt you can contact me!!


Monday, July 15, 2013

Tips to study for branch change.....AND TO SCORE 9+

Well, personally speaking, you all are IITians so its meaningless to give study tips to the brightest minds on India.
 But then also, many among this "brightest" lot will commit mistakes, however unknowingly, and will end getting a spi or cpi of around 7.5-8 ,which is not enough in this cut throat competition.

Note : That this section is not only for branch changers but also for students who want to get 9+ cpi.

You see course in JEE , however big, was unidirectional and properly channelized. However course structure in IITs is multi-directinal. So you cannot go into detail of every single thing or you`ll end up doing Phd!!

So now back to business!! -

Firstly go through this link where you will find your 1st semester course structure and description.  
 ( first page only that is only PH101)
(first and second page, only CH101,ME110, and ME111 )
(EE101 only )
(MA101 only)

OK, so now you know what courses you`ll study.

Regarding  books-

You see, in each of above links, books list is also provided. However only a few of them are important -

1.D. Kleppner and R. J. Kolenkow (first book in the list). This book is like a bible if you want to score 10 in physics which can be easily done. For physics this is more than enough.

2.Note that for chemistry, no book is required. i will tell you why in further discussion.

3.Dhananjay and jolhe or N.D Bhatt, any one of these can be used for engineering drawing.

4.D.Poole linear algebra , Bartle and Sherbert for real analysis, both are important. the latter one is important after midsem.

5.Listen, no book is required for EE but students do face problem sometimes in it. so for reference only, you can use Boylestad or Tocci, any one of these.

How to get these books-

As students are more , so library cannot have 700 copies of each book, thats unreasonable!! So better you issue them early. Now there are two methods to issue -
   If you have any cousin or friend studying in iit guwahati, then ask him to issue these books for you from his i-card, as you wont be having your own i-card. Otherwise, wait to get your i-card.
  Now there is another way to get books. Your hostel library. each hostel has a small library and very rarely students go and search there. However you will find all of the above books there.
 E-copies of these are equally good which can be found on DC++.

How to study??

1. Go to class and tutorials regularly. This is very very important. If you solve all tutorials, especially of maths, chemistry and EE, you can very easily score 9-10 in these.

2 Subject-wise tips-

2.1 Physics -

Kleppner and Kolenkov is your bible. Solve each and every question of it almost 4 times. And then  if you do not get 10 in physics, then i will shut my blog!!

2.2 Chemistry -

Don`t worry about it. Lecture slides are more than enough. In physical chem, whatever questions and theory the prof will tell you to solve in class or tutorial, SAME questions will be there in your exam. Also for inorganic and organic, lecture slides plus tutorials are more than enough. Now you can see why tutorials are important. Do not go into books or you`ll surely waste your time.

2.3 Maths -

D.Poole before midsems and Bartle and Sherbert after midsems are like bible. You see, solve every question of tutorials and D.poole.
 You see, topic taught after midsem (real analysis) is kind a vague topic. But if you read Bartle and sherbert, especially its examples are very important, then this topic will appear very easy to you. again if you follow this, 9-10 in Maths is sure.

2.4 Engineering Drawing -

You will be having regular lab sessions for ED, where you will be getting marks for each lab drawing. Now these marks do count seriously, you will come to know afterwards. So do make them seriously.
 Before going to lab, do read and UNDERSTAND the relevant topic from Dhananjay and Jolhe or ND Bhatt.

2.5 Electronics -

Tutorials are again very important for this. Also if you do not understand any topic in it, do clarify it very clearly with tutors or this will create a hell lot of problem. You can use books as a reference.

2.6 Labs -

VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Students generally ignore labs as it has low weight-age. But believe me, these will create a huge difference if you do not take them seriously. For chemistry lab, note the applications and initial preparations in advance (you will come to know what are these). In physics, do error calculations carefully and make the initial preparation always. In workshop, if you get your viva done properly , then 8-9 is sure in workshop. For workshop, use Elements of workshop technology ( ab blue coloured book). Just read this before viva. NEVER MISS A LAB SESSION.


Firstly, night-out studies are worthless. Many students study from 12 night to 6 morning and then sleep in the morning. This is a very BAD practice. All you will get is 6-8 cpi from this. Please avoid this.
Secondly, never miss a class and a tutorial. Always keep solutions of all tutorials with you.

Thirdly, Students do not take the labs seriously and end up getting 6-7 in each lab. VERY BAD!! This will create a huge difference ( my personal experience ).

Fourthly, Do enjoy!!. Not that you study whole time. There are students who study only for few hours, enjoy games and chats with friends and still score 9.78!! (its real)

Lastly, Never give up. Even if you get around 8-8.3 in 1st sem, you are not out of the game. You are very much in. Think of getting 9+ in second sem.



Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Festivals and Events at IIT guwahati....

I will not discuss much on this as this is one thing that you must and will discover on your own.
 There are two inter college festivals that define every iit-

TECHNICHE- This the annual techno-management event organized by IITG and is  very famous all over India. Its a technical event. Technothlon, the inter school exam comes under this.

ALCHERLINGA-Just fab!!. Its a cultural event , and biggest in North East India. Its just awesome.

In addition to these, there are 3 main inter hostel events-

KRITI - Its a technical event. Many activities including robotics, case study, etc. comes under it. You will learn greta deal from it and will interact with your 4th yearites.

MANTHAN - Just dont ask what is manthan!!. Its the hostel spirit at its best, at its peak. Its a cultural event where everybody take part and is highly enjoying.

SPARDHA - Its inter hostel sport`s competetion.

Moreover note that festivals like HOLI, and DIWALI are celebrated with great enthusiasm, fun and frolic. Parents do not need to worry that our son/daughter is not enjoying these festivals. Just wait for time to unfold....

I have not even scratched the surface of these events. I leave them to you to find what first year encloses for you!! believe me , you will enjoy them.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Your daily routine....a preview of life at IIT guwahati

The day before your first day of instruction, you will get your timetable for the first semester displayed on the notice board of the respective hostel. But i bet you, at first sight you will not be able to understand that timetable, so try to forge it or ask one of your seniors for help.
  Students are divided into two groups according to their branches-


In addition to these, you will be divided in different lab groups and tutorial groups. Classes of same branches having same groups are held together in lecture halls. Whereas tutorial sessions are held together for same tutorial group.

Now scheduled for GROUP 1 are-

0800-0900 - Tutorial classes (4 DAYS A WEEK) for both groups based on tutorial groups. In these you will be discussing assignment sheets given by profs!! Do solve them and take them very seriously!!
  On the first day, no tutorial will be held, but do go there so as to get idea of you tutorial room.
0900-1200 - Its lecture time!! And guys first lecture will be a great fun. Especially of Prof. S.K. Bose!! Your subjects would be - engineering drawing, maths, physics, chemistry, and electronics.
PLEASE NEVER MISS A LECTURE!! Students doesn`t seem to care about it. Initially he strength of lecture halls is about 250-300 but within a month , you will find strength going down to as low as 50!!  Missing a lecture, intentionally, is not at all good. Dude ,you are here to study, and that`s what you are missing!!

1400-1700 - Lab sessions according to your lab groups. Your labs would be-
                     1. Engineering Drawing
                     2. Chemistry lab
                     3. Workshop
 ( Note that group 2 DOES NOT have workshop in1st sem, instead they have physics lab )
The first session of each lab will be an intro, except for engineering drawing.

1730-1830 - Either PE classes (2 days a week) or nso or ncc sessions.

 Now scheduled for GROUP 2 are-

0800-0900 - Same as group 1.

0900-1200 - Lab sessions according to your lab groups. Your labs would be-
                     1. Engineering Drawing
                     2. Chemistry lab
                     3.Physics lab
 ( Note that group 1 DOES NOT have physics lab in 1st sem, instead they have workshop )
The first session of each lab will be an intro, except for engineering drawing.

1400-1700 - Lecture time same as group 1.

Note: Your tutorial rooms would be in this format , sat 2202 or 3102. Now do not think that there are 3000-4000 rooms in the academic complex!!. Its actually a naming scheme. Look- academic complex is divided in 4 parts know as "cores". So naming can be explained with an example-

say 3102 - Now here "3" represents "core", that is, room is in 3rd core section.
                  1 represents floor number, that ,is room is on first floor.
                  02 represents room number that is its second room.
Got it!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Selecting among NSS,NCC and NSO....

Now i found this thing important to post because while filling your registration form, you will be asked to choose among nss, ncc and nso. THEY WILL BE WITH YOU FOR 2 YEARS. Here is a description about them and a note of caution -

1. NCC -
 I hope most of you know what is ncc from school level. Now if you choose ncc, you will have regular sessions of it two times a week ( note that you already have PE sessions two times a week ). In ti , you would be doing parade and other relevant exercises along with a chance to take part in 26th Jan parade. Also you have to go in sessions with hair trimmed too short otherwise NO ATTENDANCE!!.

NSO stand for sports. So if you have die hard interest in any of sports , then you can choose them . You have to fill three sports according to your preferences. Now getting admitted to cricket, football, and badminton is difficult (for boys!!). And getting volleyball, lawn tennis,table tennis,basketball and athletics is easy.  Now how you get your choice. See, there will be selections for each sport. So while going for selections of badminton, tt and lawn tennis, do carry your rackets otherwise you will be rejected.
  Fill your first choice very carefully as consider this as your last choice because getting 2nd and 3rd choice sport is very difficult because seats get already full after first sort outs.
  After selections, sessions will be held twice a week for 1.5 hrs. So choose it wisely. each sport has very good coaches who will teach you everything!!

 Now the form taht you will fill will say that nss is social service in which you will help poor and needy children near the campus. But whats truth is that in nss little work is to be done, most easy to get and most relaxing. Its great, its awesome, its fun and if you ASPIRE FOR BRANCH CHANGE, THEN DO FILL NSS as your 1st choice.

Note: You can get your option changed even after allotment. But changing from nso to nss is easy but from ncc to nss is most difficult. If you ever face this prob, do contact me and i will guide you .

Friday, July 5, 2013

IIT guwahati hostel lan networking and...DC!!

Internet access to students is denied generally from 0800 to 1700 on working days. However its always on on holidays ( except from 0200 to 0400 ). However new students cannot use internet service for about 1-2 weeks as one need to log in the web portal site using his username and password given by computer center. And students get this password after about 1-2 week. however you can use intranet services. Please note the following addresses as they are important-

Webmail-   OR
Intranet portal site-
Kamrup sever-


ANS. DC is your life here. its like inter hostel torrent where you can find almost anything, ranging from high definition movie prints (for ex a print of lord of the rings part 1 was of 15.55 GB!! ) to past year question paper and notes. Almost everything. Cool na!! . And the speed is , on an average around 7 mbps , can be up to 12 mbps if the data transfer is in same hostel. DC is actually a software, barely 6-7 mb in size, very easy to use and install. It works on intranet.

 There are many versions of dc available no Internet. But i prefer strong dc++. I find it very easy and sophisticated. You can download it from here-  (for 32 bit)  (for 64 bit)

 Note that you can also download apex dc ++ as it is equally good -

Just install it and you can do the required settings when you reach here!!

Note that this post is not complete as many updates will be coming on it!!
So Stay tuned!!

Branch change at iit guwahati !!

Before reading this please go through the basic requirements given on this link- 

Now firstly i will explain some common related queries to branch change (bc) .

1. CPI- For branch change your cpi at the end of first year should be around 8.7. Now here`s a catch. This 8.7 is a general cpi....that is according to general trend. Sometimes a branch can outshine so much that even 8.9 appears less to get branch changed. Like in 2012-2013, civil department was just rocking in acads!! If one need to get his branch change in civil that time, he should be 9+. However, each year trend changes. Who knows this time it can be chemical!!
  Now to get 8.7 there are two ways - get around 8.3-8.4 in first semester and 9.2-9.3 in second or get 8.8 around in both sems. I guess second sem is much easier because we get settled by that time and are aware of our mistakes made in first sem!!

2. No. of students applying for branch change-

Almost all the students apply for it!! Be it a 6 pointer or 9 pointer...hope to hote hai na!! But the stats are that only 50-60 out of 660 get their branch changed.
Try to look on this link-

3. No of students getting their branch changed-

Now here is also a catch. In the rules, it is written that strength of branch must not change by ore than 10%. Now lets take a real example-
The strength of chemical engg as given in JEE brochure is 70. However only 68 registered as 2 were unable to come. Now this is a major loss to branch changers; as only 68 came ,so max 6 can change the branch instead of 7. But say at the time of branch change, 6 student exited from the branch but one student from some other branch,for ex CST, came to chemical, then one more student can exit from chemical . I hope you are able to understand this!!

So basic stats look like 4 students change from CST, 6-7 from chemical, 4 from BT, many from mech because in mech both incoming and outgoing are volatile!!, rarely from M&C as its a nice branch,some from EP, many from EE to EC and EE and EC to CSE, and some from design to any branch.

4. How can i change my branch??-

By studying, of course. But not studying every time..NO. IIT life has more in it than just a pile of books.  A systematic approach towards studies can easily get your branch changed. However, keep in mind that bc is not a piece of cake but a take bush which is sour to eat but healthy.
 Now the prob is that you will realize this systematic way at the end of first year...very late. However i can help you to realize it as i am a branch changer myself!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Decsription on mess foood and mess food menu in iit guwahati hostels

Now i can see a lot of queries coming from you regarding this topic. So here it goes....-

To almost all freshers, mess food tastes great for starting 2 months. However this will be your greatest foe for rest of your 4yrs. Believe will starve for hat home made meal that you want to run away from now. So here it is-

1. Breakfast-

Breakfast generally includes pao bhaji, idli sambhar, paranthas, puri with chhole, bread and butter. Bread and butter is also optional on 3 days a week along with options such as banana,omelet,boiled egg. Milk or coffee or tea is are provided every day. Now breakfast menu for Saturday and Sunday,both, is sambhar dosa with tea or coffee.

2. Lunch-

Lunch includes chapatis (having butter on 2 days),curd, pulses ,rice and sambhar every day. Except these, special items which are included (not every day)are lemon or fried rice,rajma,cauliflower,ladyfinger,bottle gourd,custard,vegetable raita,paapad,fingers...etc.

3. Brunch-

Note that no brunch is provided.

4. Dinner-

Dinner also includes chapatis (having butter on 2 days),curd, pulses ,rice and sambhar every day. Except these some special items as mentioned above in lunch. Also sweet dish are provided 2 days a week. Now these can be rasgoola or gulab jamun.

(Note that this menu is basically for Kapili hostel. Also subansiri (girl`s hostel)has the same menu as Kapili. For rest hostels the menu basic menu stays same with small changes in special items provided.)

Here is the mess menu for Manas hostel. Do have a look-


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

First thing to do on reaching here........

Please check your hostel allotment before reaching here....otherwise you will be having a hard time searching your hostel...
   You need to check in when you reach the hostel. For that you would be asked to fill 2 forms plus xerox copy of your iit admit do not forget to carry it with you.
  After that you will march to your sweet room. At first it may look like the room is too small...but you will adjust to it in no time....believe me!!!
   Now there will be a LAN port in your room which will behave as your lifeline for
You need to buy a lan wire from stationary shop of your hostel. My advice is that buy a 5m lan wire instead of 3m. You will know the advantage of it in 2-3
 However you are not allowed to directly use the iitg lan service for about 2 weeks...sorry.
 Also install DC++ and IPmsg in your lappy. Stay tuned for more updates on hoe to use lan service.
 Now....some serious talks-
   There will be small shops placed in Manas community hall for small items like SIM cards, and big items like bicycles ( these are very important for freshers as you need to walk for 5km every day!!!), do go there and buy necessary items.
Also on the day of registration, your registration will be conducted in lecture halls 1,2,3,4. And they will be according to your branches, so do check there which lecture hall you need to go. There will be a prof sitting on the chair calling out your respective roll no  in sequence. Its better to carry all documents beforehand- 10th and 12th marksheet, iitg allotment letter, iit admit card and report card, etc. Also then you will be asked to go to jee cell in admin buliding 3rd floor to verify your details. Do carry a fevi stick there and a pen!!


Weather related queries answered............

                         Weather here..........

Now this is the query most of you want to listen about........
Weather condition here have been hyped by news channels to an unexpected levels. will never see any flood here. For initial 2-3 months,yes there is more than normal humidity, for ex if you leave a parle-g out for 4 hrs it will be totally numb afterwards. 
   But the weather gets pleasant after August. Winters are not that harsh as min temp is around 7. Winter months are usually dec-jan.
   Rainfall during july and august is normal. Not much though, But yes do carry an umbrella!!
 Weather is best around feb and march. Very less humidity and pleasant winds romantic...
 And then comes April...i should say one of the worst month in terms of weather. Very humid and heavy rainfall with violent thunderstorms around april end.

What to bring and what NOT to bring....... ( things required in hostel )

                What you must bring here.....

Every hostel has a canteen,a fruit shop and a stationary cum departmental shop. 

1. Canteen-

Everything, from magi to Britannia biscuits, from lays to  ice cream, is available there. So no need to bring any eatables here. Chowmein, sandwich...everything. Thats all i  can recall about canteen. Stay tuned for updates!!

2. Stationary cum departmental shop-

Here you will find everything like your bathing soap (all kinds), toothpastes, toothbrush,washing powder,sunscreen,lotions.....etc. Almost vereything.
Also you can get registers,pen and pencils, erasers.....amd all kind of stationary items. Also items like agarbattis are easily available here. Also it is the place where you can get your mobile recharged.
NOTE: All kind of mobile networks are fully functional inside the campus :D

3.Fruit shop-

From Amul tetra packs to red bull cans, from any kind of milk shakes to pineapples and watermelons, from pepsi to mazza....everything.

Things you need to bring are-

1. No need to bring mattress as there will be shops providing the same. But bring at least 2 bedsheets, one blanket and one pillow (note that pillow are also available here during shopping period ) with two pillow covers. Also bring a rough bedsheets (small size) for curtains of windows or you can buy the curtains from here also.
2. No need to bring any book.
3. If you can bring a laptop, do bring it. Its a requirement but not a necessity. There is a well established computer center where you can study if you do not have laptops. You see , basically use of laptop is to study PDF file lectures that profs teach you in class and then upload on intranet.With laptop in hand, you can study those in your room only, otherwise you have to go to computer center.
4. Do bring moth balls or naphthalene balls, hangers (also available here), air tight cans (as humidity is there), mirror , comb,torch with extra batteries,wrist watch. Also bring at least 2 strong locks as they are not available here.

5. You can also bring a water heating kettle. Bajaj or Sunflame have good products. these are helpful in winters , in case you need warm water to drink or if you are fond of morning tea (as breakfast starts around 0730 )

Update 15/7/13 starts -

Do bring a nail cutter, zero machine, nails or keel (2 or 3 will suffice, however clips are available here ).

Update 15/7/13 closed.

Rest everything is available here